Thank you for your hints.

Unfortunately i can't get metacard. Is there any resource on the web that explains what one needs to do, if one has Rev, but no Metacard installed yet?

I fainthly remember I need another license number from rev, gonna mail support for that...

I also browsed the files in the metacard yahoo group, but couldn't find the metacard ide, only the stack. Where do I get the full MC IDE from?

Neither the nor the site seems to contain any related information.

So... ???

On 08 Jun 2007, at 07:24, Ken Ray wrote:

I'd be really glad if you guys could tell me what needs fixing for it
to work properly with the Metacard IDE.

Well, I took a quick look today and basically it boils down to what you
take advantage of from the Rev environment by default (inherited fonts,
the fact that the XML external is automatically loaded, etc. To make it
"MC-compatible", I'd do three things:

1) When your stack opens, check the revAppVersion() - if it comes back
as "0", you're running in MetaCard.
2) Explicitly define the fonts, sizes, styles etc of all your fields
and buttons, or define it from your stack and have the objects inherit
3) Add a substack to your main stack window called something like
"BVGExternals" and a custom property to your main stack window to hold
a path to the revXML external. When you launch check to see if you're
in MC. If you are, check the custom property to see if it has a value.
If it doesn't, ask the user to locate the revXML external and store the
path in the custom property. If it *does* have a value, verify there's
a file at that path. Once you're sure you have the external available,
dynamically "set the externals" of stack "BVGExternals" to the revXML
external path, and then bring the BVGExternals stack into use with
"start using stack 'BVGExternals'". This will load the revXML external
on the fly and make it available to your main stack window.

After that, the rest *should* work...

BTW: Thanks for doing this! I think this will add great benefit to the

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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