I got a chance to run a few standalones I built today (Monday) on some Unix machines and they work fine. So working on either OS X or OS 9.2 with your stacks and attaching Unix engines to build standalones for Unix machines is still viable and not a problem (other than the usual fonts issues, etc) -- thank you Scott Raney et. all!

With all the different flavors of Unix and shells and so on though, it can be challenge to know what to expect and how to get things working. Does anyone know where there is more documentation still around that is specific to the Unix side?

I don't think you ever got an answer to this, and to be honest, I'm not sure myself. But I know that for CGI work, we can't use the native unix
engines on OS X, we need to use a special "Darwin" build. If that's a
universal requirement, then I'd say you couldn't use BSD standalones
either and you'll need to find a native machine for testing.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

Thank you for responding on Darwin. I didn't have any success getting that to work with line commands through a terminal window so probably something is up as you suggest. I wonder if I brought up X-Windows (X11) on the Max through OS X if I could get the BSD Unix standalone to execute with a double click. If I have the opportunity to get that up and running sometime I will let you all know if it works. Has anyone else brought up X-Windows through OS X on their Mac? I have downloaded it from Apple's web site but have never configured for it and fired it up.

Again, thanks for the response,

Bryan H
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