Because you mentioned carbon, I assume you're trying to do this on Mac OS X. Transforming Rev into Metacard can be tricky, that's why there's not one, but two stacks to do it somewhat automatically.

One is by Landman Gay, and can be found under this url:
The other was made by me:

I hope one of those does what you need


On 30 Aug 2007, at 16:41, Bryan H wrote:


I recently updated my license to Revolution but still wish to use the MetaCard IDE (I am pleased some of you are keeping that going). But I am having a problem getting the MetaCard IDE working and a little confused. I am guessing to get things going I need a MetaCard app (bundle). However, the only version of MetaCard I have is a Carbon version (2.4) and I am guessing this does me no good. Is there a MetaCard app (bundle) around I can get a hold of to get going? Or is there something else I am missing.

On the flip side, my stacks are working fine importing them to Rev but I am unable to build a standalone. Perhaps this has to do with the old Menu substack I have residing in these stacks, but again I am unsure. Is there information somewhere on converting these old MetaCard stacks to rev?



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