
Very odd indeed and would seem to be a platform specific issue.
I have tried this on Windows XP with no issues either with native or Mac look and feel (as the Mac look on windows is emulated anyway it's probably not a good test).
Have you tried building a standalone to see if this behaviour persists?
Have you tried it on a different version of OSX? I shall try it later on my parents Mac (10.4.11). Runrev have changed something which MC is misinterpreting? - I'm not familliar with the methods used by MC, but had assumed that it simply requsted the control and the engine delivered thereby making this issue impossible. Maybe the engine delivers something different when in "MC mode" rather than "Rev mode". I'm quite sure that MC compatability is not at the top of the list priority wise for Runrev. It might go away... RC1 caused all the context menus in MC to stop working for me (the menus displayed but did nothing even though the functions still worked when accessed by other means), with RC2 functionality returned. Having said that, RC1 had more issues than a depressed teenager, RC2 had to be an improvement. It would be usefull to discover if this is a universal bug or one that only rears it's ugly head on some systems, I've had some of those, made me feel like a freak :-0

Synopsis: No bloody idea at all.

Rob Tucker
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