Hello fellow MetaCard users/developers,  :-)

Have any of you ever crafted a CALENDAR widget ?

IOW, a tiny metacard stack, displayed as a palette,


* days of the month are mapped to corresponding weekdays ;

* clicking on next/prev month auto-generates calendar for it ;

* selecting a day of a monthly calendar returns corresponding date.

You know what I mean. I need a widget/dialog to select a DATE visually, which 
will then return this date in date-format; and put it into a field,   or 

In geek-speak :  ;-)

on mouseUp
  put selectDate() into field "creation date"
end mouseUp

function selectDate
  palette "Date Selector"
end selectDate

on preOpenStack -- in stack script of stack "Date Selector"
  put the date into today
  convert today to dateTime
  set itemDelimiter to comma
  put item 1 of today into thisYear
  put item 2 of today into thisMonth
  put item 3 of today into thisDay
  generateCalendar thisYear, thisMonth, thisDay
end preOpenStack

on generateCalendar thisYear, thisMonth, thisDay
  -- this is what I NEED. Please. Pretty-please .... :-)
end generateCalendar

Anyone care to SHARE ?  :-))


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