Hi Jaqueline and Wilhelm,

Wilhelm Sanke wrote:
<cid:part1.02020207.01020200@hrz.uni-kassel.de>If the font of a button is empty and you open the font chooser it displays "none" as the font name as it should. Then after having chosen a font, e.g. "Arial", nothing is visible in the "Size" and "Height" fields as a default. Using the scrollbar of the "size" does not display any option, nor is it possible to type anything into the "size" field. The necessary workaround seems to be - maybe there are more possibilities - to check the "Bold" button. After checking "bold" you can now type a value into the "Size" field and then you also can use the size scrollbar to display other values. Likewise the "Height" field now contains values. When you have saved the "New Button" and reopen the Font Chooser "@Arial Unicode MS" is now hilited instead of the originally selected and saved "Arial".
Seems we need an overhaul of the Font Chooser.
Sorry to cause extra work for the authors of the Font Chooser, who have devoted so much of their valuable time to produce a modern IDE.

Good point, this has bothered me for a long time but I've been too busy to look at it. I just tried a simple fix which seems to work, but it needs testing. In the stack script of the Font Chooser, there is a "mouseup" handler. It has a switch structure. If you add the "refresh" command after the switch is done, it seems to work:

on mouseUp
 if the selobj is empty then
   exit to MetaCard
 end if
 switch the short name of the owner of the target
 end switch
 refresh -- ADD THIS
end mouseUp

Does that help?

I will take a look and see what I can do, when I find the time.

If so, Klaus, can you add it to the next update?


Since I did not get any negative response form the beta 3, actually NONE at all (hint, hint!)
I will take a look and publish the final IDE 3.0 in the next time.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com


Klaus Major

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