On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Klaus on-rev <kl...@major.on-rev.com> wrote:

> Hi friends,
> I am currently working on the new MC IDE 4 and while I am at this,
> there are some questions concerning the output of the new standalone
> building process.
> OS X:
> Would you like to output
> a: ppc, fat AND intel apps at the same time like Rev does?
> This would require to create subfolder(s) in the target directory!
> b: ppc OR fat OR intel apps = only one app at a time?

The RunRev 4 standalone builder CAN churn out PPC, FAT ('Universal') and
apps all at once; 2 out of 3, or only 1.

It would be nice if Metacard 4 could do much the same.

MACINTEL would be useful for stupid types like me who might have forgotten
types of standalones they had chosen to spin off.

> Know what I mean?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> What else will be new in 4.0:
> - Added new stack to locate the Rev standalone engines.
> - uses new function "mcPrefsFolder" to store the info in a text file.
> See below...
> "MetaCard Menu Bar":
> - Added backscript to not only move but also resize objects with the
> arrowkeys
> - when pressing the ALT-key additionally.
> - Thanks to Richard Gaskin for the scripts!
> - Added function "mcPrefsFolder" to backscript which returns:
> - Mac: specialFolderPath("preferences")
> - Windows (>= 2000): specialFolderPath(26)
> - Windows (95/96/97/98/99/ME): specialfolderpath("system")
> - Linux: $HOME
> - A subfolder "MetaCard" will be created there
> - Hint: This function also returns the neccessary trailing slash!
> (We should use this folder for all new preferences from now on!)
> - Added a new Menu "Window", where you can easily switch windows.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Will also add an updated version of Ken Rays "Varaible Watcher".
> Hint:
> To build standalones for OS "Classic" you will need to open the old
> "Standalone Builder". I supplied a button to open that stack in the latest
> "Standalone Builder" stack.
> Best
> Klaus
> --
> Klaus Major
> http://www.major-k.de
> kl...@major.on-rev.com
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