Nothing quite like replying to one's own messages . . . :)

I wrote:


>Personally, in 2010, I see learning PASCAL (which I did in 1985, and promptly forgot), rather >like my learning Latin in 1974 (which I did in 1985, and promptly forgot),

No; I'm not bonkers! In 1973-74 I attended a school called Bigshotte (closed in 1977) where we had a Latin teacher called Mr Whitworth, who had previously taught in Kenya. This man was superannuated, and would come into class trailing an equally ancient, blind sheepdog which would sleep in front of his armchair while
he slept too.

Hence no Latin in 1974.

In 1974-1975 I attended a school called Pyrland Hall where the Latin teacher was a Scots Jesuit called Mr Gray; and I do believe he saw everything in grayscale, and us sweaty, prepubescent Prep School boys as distinctly dark.
His idea of 'mental discipline' was somewhat different to mine.

No Latin in 1975.

No Latin classes between 1975 and 1985, when at the age of 23 I attended a Summer school along with about 50 13-14 year olds in Bath; brilliant teacher, but keeping up with brainy 13-14 year olds was just
too much like hard work.

>as a mental discipline
>which, while not really being screamingly useful, will serve as mental training for other tough
>stuff that will come his way later in life.


sincerely, Richmond.

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