
On Sat, Nov 09, 2019 at 11:58:08AM -0500, David A. Wheeler wrote:
> > Le samedi 9 novembre 2019 12:27:12 UTC+1, Filip Cernatescu a écrit :
> > > I have a question for set.mm contributors: 
> > > Automatic prover for a+b,a-b,a×b,a/b, a<b,a>b... it will be necessary?
> mmj2 includes *some* of that.  I don't know about "necessary", but it's 
> certainly *useful*.
For completeness sake (in case anyone needs a integer-oriented automation on 
short notice),
so does https://github.com/Drahflow/Igor

+ , - , * , ^ on NN0 should be complete
<, <_, >, >_  on RR (including transitivity), should also be complete IIRC
... and of course everything in deduction-form.


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