I like this very much.  I think I will add a variable to the $t statement 
in set.mm so your base URL can be maintained there, instead of being 
hard-coded in metamath.exe.  (And Thierry's structured version also, which 
is currently hard-coded.) Give me a week or so.

An observation (in Chrome 87.0.4280.88 at least):  when the [+] box is 
clicked, the [-] box sometimes appears in the lower-left corner of the 
expanded table cell and other times in the upper-left corner.  E.g. step 34 
of sqrtirr shows a lower-left [-]  and step 35 shows an upper-right [-].  
Ideally the [-] would remain at the same position as the corresponding [+] 
so we can open and close an expansion without moving the mouse, although 
I'm not sure how hard that is to do.


On Saturday, December 19, 2020 at 3:05:07 PM UTC-5 igori... wrote:

> Hello Norm,
> I’ve prepared a final version of my proof visualizations which you may add 
> links to on the main site. URLs of pages have a form of 
> https://expln.github.io/metamath/asrt/label.html  Where “label” should be 
> replaced with the actual label of an assertion. (“asrt” stands for 
> “assertion” and it is a constant part of the URL) For example: 
> https://expln.github.io/metamath/asrt/sqrt2irr.html 
> I spent some time investigating if I can implement unicode representation 
> but it appeared complicated because each symbol is represented as raw html 
> code. And it is not trivial to embed it into SVG visualization.
> Please let me know if everything is ok and you can add links to this 
> version.
> Best regards,
> Igor

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