capricorn89 kindly wrote:

> You might be interested in examining CD16 on my website.


Hi Ron and List,

Thank you for drawing our attention to these "rim/near rim" beauties!

> It is what I call a near rim. It was found due west, at the bottom
> of the outer talus from the rim, about 12-15 inches deep ... This is
> an ultra-thin slice. It also was almost impossibly hard to cut.

CD 130 and CD 545 seem to belong to those Canyon
Diablo specimens that Buchwald describes as having been
reheated during the cratering impact with kamacite altered
to unequilibrated, polycrystalline aggregates. Buchwald also
says that such specimens tend to lose their oriented sheen.

As for CD 16:

> It also was almost impossibly hard to cut.

Maybe this was due to minute diamonds because it was found
so close to "ground zero" and was therefore probably exposed
to extreme temperatures and  p r e s s u r e s !

Best regards,


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