At 04:41 PM 3/21/02 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

?   An auction can be canceled at any time buy the seller ?

If it hasn't received any bids, yes.  Seems might frustrate people who were planning on bidding on it, but from the seller's point of view, if there's absolutely no bidder-commitment, no visible interest on his item, he should be able to change his mind about selling it, for whatever reason.


You can close an Ebay auction early even if there are bids on the item.  Doing so on a regular basis will bring action against you from Ebay, but there are legitimate reasons to close an auction early.  Before it can be closed, all the bid must be canceled. 

I closed an auction early just a few weeks ago when I found out the meteorite I had listed wasn't really what my wholesaler claimed it was.  

John Gwilliam Meteorites
PO Box 26854
Tempe  AZ  85285

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