this list seems to have a great taste in music, so i wanna know who knows what. the first person who can email me the correct name of the song, artist, album that contains the following lyrics will win a 2.5g macro of gao(off the same piece rhett's came from[and it has already been sent rhett-you should have it thurs.]) but here's the catch: you have to send me something self-addressed/ stamped to get it back to you-still a great deal for your musical expertise. you get it right, s.a.s. whatever, i stuff in NICE 2.5 g gao macro-basically a free skyroc! have fun!
here goes-
line after line , round after round,
empty shells fall to the ground.
faster that lightning, high as a kite ,
sonic bombardment;
brighter than sunlight.

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