G'day Everyone,

Just letting you know that I've put together a small meteorite website. I'll
be selling a few bits and pieces from my collection as I update. I'm going
to pass on the pieces at about the same price as they cost me for someone
else to enjoy. I'll be quite regularly updating the site as new specimens
become available.

I've also decided to include a Monthly Favourite because there's a great
little meteorite I've obtained several pieces of which I think is really
cool. Take a look. I'll update this page every 3-4 weeks as I've got some
other pieces which are great too. I think it's good to see different things
you may not have seen before and share the meteorite collecting experience
with others who enjoy it too.

It's taken me a while to put together as only a month or two ago I knew
nothing about building a website. So it's just small and simple at the
moment but will grow.

The address is:


Thanks for reading,

Jeff Kuyken
I.M.C.A. #3085

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