Good Evening List members;

After much thought and inner-struggle I've decided to REALLY crack down on the abuse of certain List policies - that WILL be enforced starting immediately.

While in the past I have been extremely patient and forgiving regarding posts that do not fall within the guidelines, these types of posts will, in the future, cause IMMEDIATE (as soon as I can initiate the process) suspension from the List. The standard suspension length will be indefinite. Suspension will be based on policy abuse alone, and personal feelings (whether mine or other member's) will not be taken into consideration.

There is really only one other way to handle the current problems and that is List moderation - a step I don't think anyone wants (especially me as it will require much more time on my part).

View the List Policies page: for the latest policies.

I felt like I needed to post this one LAST statement/warning to be fair, as many individuals that stray from the rules from time to time, are in general - valuable members.

Hopefully everyone will understand and approve of my actions.

Note: there will be no posting of recently suspended members, nor emails to these specific members when they have been suspended (I just don't have the time for that). So, if you find you can not post to the List, take a good look at your recent posts and you'll no doubt see why this has happened. Feel free to email me with any concerns or questions.

P.S. To all who have emailed me personally, concerned with the List's direction, I do appreciate your input and I will be responding to your mails in the near future. I think this is a step in the right direction.

Regards, Art

Arthur Jones, Meteorite Central

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