I have been to his website witch is quite interesting and everyone should
cruise on by.  However, I must take exception to his trashing of "dark side
of the moon".  We all know that it is just a figure of speech but it does
have a nice ring to it.  Much more so than "far side of the moon".  Even
Pink Floyd endorsed the term "Dark Side of the Moon"

If you want to see a meteorite that really did originate from the "Dark Side
of The Moon"  go to the following website:

Good astronomy is great but I'm all for keeping some of the romance in

Jim Strope
421 Fourth Street
Glen Dale, WV  26038

Catch a Falling Star Meteorites

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tracy Latimer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 3:29 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Bad Astronomy book

> Has anyone out there read the new book by Phil Plait yet?  He is the Bad
> Astronomer (www.badastronomy.com) and has written a book about many common
> astronomical misconception, delusions, and just plain bad thinking about
> our universe.  If anyone has read "Bad Astronomy: Misconceptions and
> Misuses Revealed, from Astrology to the Moon Landing 'Hoax'", I would
> like to hear whether it is worth picking up.  If no one has read it yet, I
> may go ahead and review it myself!
> He is currently giving an interview on the Art Bell show, but our lousy AM
> reception pooped out after the first half hour, just as he was discussing
> Tunguska and why there was no crater.  If you have better radio reception
> than us, give it a listen and see what you think.
> Tracy Latimer
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