Hello list and Tom,
My name is Chuck Jenkins, I am a medically retired Firefighter (M.S.) I have
been training Search and Rescue Dogs for over 20 years. There is probably
very, very little that I do not know about Search Dogs and how they use
their noses to search with.
1. It will take a lot of time for you and your dog, it depends upon the dog.
2. You must find out what metal or compound that you are wanting the dog to
find for you. The Items must not be never touched by you or anyone (use
rubber gloves). You can clean the scents with rubbing alcohol, rinse with
water, rinse and dry it each time before you but it back into a  Zip Lock
Freezer bag and replace it immediately when ripped or torn (keep a unopened
one with you when searching).
You must play games with the dog like Fetch, You better not get this and
Wheres the or Show me the Meteorite.The dog must be praised when he has
found it or get's very close to it as if this act is the most wonderful
thing that has happened to him and you. Start close and work farther and
father away from for a max distant of around 100 ft. Rewards: a toy or small
bits of food.
This is very basic training guide, if you need help just E-mail me.
Choice of  Dogs:
You best is a LAB or a  German Shepherd, note:a Shepherd is not a "City Dog"
  A pointer is a very bad choice as a search dog, they smell warm bodied
living animals not cold item's, there noses are not set up for the kind of
searching that you are looking for.
The reason that the larger dogs are mostly used is, because their noses
recycle the faint smells over and over again allowing them to smell it much
better than the other breeds. A dog smells Forty Thousand to One Million
times better that you or me. Larger Nosed dogs can lock in, rule out and
stay on track to just one scent more than the other dogs breeds. Mutt's are
just as good as any other breed, for not all dog's will be able to work for
you. The dog that will best work for you will be the one who want's to
please and please you.
I hope that this helps, thank for you time in reading this,
Chuck Jenkins

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