Below are some references to meteorite impact related
structures and features in the states of Alabama and

++ Alabama +++

Wetumpka Impact Structure - Confirmed

Alvarez, W., P. Claeys, and E. Burns (1993) A candidate
KT boundary impact crater in Alabama. Eos, Transactions,
American Geophysical Union. vol. 74, no. 43, Supplement,
p. 387.

Bentley, R. D., T. L. Neathery, and G. C. Lines (1970)
A probable impact-type structure near Wetumpka, Alabama.
Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. vol. 51,
no. 4, p. 342.

Bentley, R. D., T. L. Neathery, and G. C. Lines (1971a) A
probable impact structure Near Wetumpka, Alabama. The
Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science. vol. 42, no. 3,
pp. 158-159.

Bentley, R. D., T. L. Neathery, and G. C. Lines (1971b) A
Probable Impact Structure near Wetumpka, Alabama. Bulletin
- Geological Survey of Alabama. vol. 7, no. 2, p. 7.

Carrington, T. J., ed. (1985) Current studies of
Cretaceous formations in eastern Alabama and Columbus,
Georgia. Alabama Geological Society, Annual Field Trip
Guidebookno. 20. Alabama Geological Society. University,

Hall, J. C. (1996) Ground Zero: the Wetumpka Astrobleme.
Alabama Heritage. no. 42, pp. 6-12. (Fall 1996)

King, D. T., Jr. (1998) Wetumpka Melange, a new
stratigraphic unit in Alabama. Transactions - Gulf
Coast Association of Geological Societies. vol. 48,
pp. 151-158.

King, D. T., Jr., and T. L. Neathery (1998a) The Wetumpka
asteroid impact structure in Alabama, U.S.A. Annual
Meeting Expanded Abstracts - American Association of
Petroleum Geologists. American Association of Petroleum
Geologists and Society of Economic Paleontologists and
Mineralogists. Tulsa, OK,

King, D. T., Jr., and T. L. Neathery (1998b) The Wetumpka
asteroid impact and effects in Alabama, USA. Abstracts
with Programs - Geological Society of America. vol. 29,
no. 6, p. 80.

King, D. T., Jr. T. L. Neathery, L. W. Petruny (1999)
Impactite facies within the Wetumpka impact-crater fill,
Alabama. Abstracts of Papers Submitted to the Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference. no. 30, abstr. no. 1634.
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Houston, TX.

King, D. T., Jr., T. L. Neathery, L. W. Petruny, C.
Koeberl, and W. E. Hames (1999) Evidence confirming
meteoritic impact at Wetumpka Crater, Alabama, USA.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. vol. 34, no. 4,
Supplement, pp. 63-64.

King, D. T., Jr., T. L. Neathery, L. W. Petruny,
C. Koeberl, W. E. Hanes, and L. W. Wolf (1999) Evidence
of meteoritic impact, crater-filling stratigraphy, and
collateral effects of impact at Wetumpka Crater, Alabama,
Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America.
vol. 31, no. 7, p. 124.

Lacefield, J. (2000) Lost worlds in Alabama rocks; a
guide to the state's ancient life and landscapes.
Alabama Geological Society. Tuscaloosa, AL.

McGlamery, W., and E. L. Hastings (1960) Guidebook to
selected outcrops of the Eutaw Formation and Selma group
near Montgomery, Alabama. Geological Survey of Alabama
Information Series no. 18. Geological Survey of Alabama.
University, AL, 14 pp.

McGowin, W. (1996) Discovery of the Wetumpka Astrobleme.
Alabama Hertiage. no. 42, pp. 12-13. (Fall 1996)

Neathery, T. L., R. D. Bentley, G. C. Lines (1976)
Cryptoexplosive structure near Wetumpka, Alabama.
Geological Society of America Bulletin. vol. 87, no. 4,
pp. 567-573

Neathery, T. L., D. T. King, Jr., and L. W. Wolf (1997)
The Wetumpka impact structure and related features.
Alabama Geological Society. Tuscaloosa, AL, 68 pp.

Wolf, L. W., A. G. Hall, M. G. Steltenpohl, J. D., Mahan,
J. Plescia (1998) Geophysical investigation of a "suspect"
impact crater in Wetumpka, Alabama. Abstracts with
Programs - Geological Society of America. vol. 30, no. 4,
p. 66.

Web Pages:

Wetumpka Meteor Crater

Wetumpka's Astrobleme

2. Tectonics Related to Cretaceous - Tertiary Impact
This is **not** an impact crater / structure, but still
it represents the physical consequences of the Chicxulub
impact. At Moscow Landing there is substantial evidence
of earthquakes and faulting associated with this impact.

Habib, D., R. K. Olsson, C. Liu, S. Moskovitz (1996)
High-resolution biostratigraphy of sea-level low, biotic
extinction, and chaotic sedimentation at the Cretaceous-
Tertiary boundary in Alabama, north of the Chicxulub
Crater. In The Cretaceous-Tertiary event and other
catastrophes in Earth history, G. Ryder, D.  Fastovsky,
and S. Gartner-Stefan, eds., pp. 243-252. Special Paper
no 307. Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO.

Savrda, C. E. (1997) K-T boundary sections in Alabama
revisited; again. Abstracts with Programs - Geological
Society of America. vol. 29, no. 3, p. 66.

Smith, C. C. (1997a) Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy
of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary at Moscow Landing,
west-central Alabama. Abstracts with Programs - Geological
Society of America. vol. 29, no. 3, p. 70.

Smith, C. C. (1997b) The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at
Moscow Landing, west-central Alabama. Transactions - Gulf
Coast Association of Geological Societies. vol. 47,
pp. 533-539

Smit, J., T. B. Roep, W. Alvarez, P. Claeys, S. Montanari
and M. Grajales (1994)Impact-tsunami-generated clastic beds
at the KT boundary of the Gulf Coastal Plain; a synthesis
of old and new outcrops. LPI Contribution. no. 825,
pp. 117-119. Lunar and Planetary Institute. Houston, TX

Smit, J., T. B. Roep, W. Alvarez, S. Montanari. P. Claeys
(1994) Stratigraphy and sedimentology of KT clastic beds
in the Moscow Landing (Alabama) outcrop; evidence for
impact-related earthquakes and tsunamis. LPI Contribution
no. 825, pp. 119-120. Lunar and Planetary Institute.
Houston, TX

Moscow Landing launches geologists on prehistoric trip

Moscow Landing, Alabama

++ Mississippi ++

Kilmichael Structure, Mississippi - (probable impact
structure, but still looking for either shocked quartz
or evidence of impact metamorphism. Some people suggest
that it is indeed tectonic in origin.)

Harrelson, D. W., and S. L. Ingram, (1999) Regional
tectonics as an explanation for the Kilmichael Structure.
Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences. vol. 44,
no. 1, p. 48-49. - Q 11 M66

Ingram, S. L. (1998) Kilmichael Dome, Montgomery County,
Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of
Sciences. vol. 43, no. 1, p. 37.

King, D. T., Jr. and L. w. Petruny (2002) Cosmic impact
in the Coastal Plain of Mississippi? The Riddle of the
Kilmichael Structure. [PDF]65th Annual Meteoritical
Society Meeting (2002).

Koeberl, C., W. U. Reimold, and D. T. King, Jr., and
S. L. Ingram, Sr., (2000) The Kilmichael Structure,
Mississippi: No Evidence for an Impact Origin from a
Preliminary Petrographic Study. . Abstracts of Papers
Submitted to the Lunar and  Planetary Science Conference.
no. 31, abstr. no. 1602. Lunar and Planetary Science
Conference. Houston, TX

Priddy, R. R. (1946) Kilmichael dome, an unusual uplift
in north-central Mississippi. Geological Society of
America Bulletin. vol. 57, no. 12, Part 2, p. 1273.

Robertson, P. B., and M. D. Butler (1982) The Kilmichael
Structure, Mississippi; evidence for a meteorite impact
origin. Journal of Geology. vol. 90, no. 5, pp. 589-601.

Schmitz, D. W., T. Everett, and S. L. Ingram (1999)
Current status on research at Kilmichael Dome.
Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences. vol. 44,
no. 1, p. 48. - Q 11 M66

Semko, A. J., and R. T. Cox (2002) More Field Data from
the Kilmichael Structure, Montgomery County, Mississippi.
North-Central Section (36th) and Southeastern Section
(51st), GSA Joint Annual Meeting (April 3-5, 2002)

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New Orleans, LA

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