Big trouble for these kids.

> It cost $24 billion to recover 838 pounds of rocks, which proportionately
would equal about $63,000 per
gram if my math is correct. Multiply by 113 grams and you get $7.128
>Don't forget to factor in about 30 years of inflation.

This is exactly  the attorney's concern. These rocks are valuable beyond
Our Government takes the Apollo rocks and the Antarctic meteorites very
seriously, and rightfully so. They are treasures.
His job is to try and find an expert that will come up with a figure to
counter what the US will say they are valued at.

The kids are guilty. They have admitted it. They just want to soften the
sentence and it is the attorneys job to do the best he can.

I  think the Government will be stern when it comes to sentencing. They
don't need any others trying to steal moon rocks or Martian meteorites.


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