Hello John and List,

John wrote: Can anyone tell me if any of the different numbered NWA
R-chondrites are paired? Like NWA 753 and 978, both R3.8's...and also NWA
782 and 800...both R4.0.  Along with Ouzina...also a R4.0.

I will try to answer your question.  NWA meteorites are always a little
controversal so hopefully the list will go nice on me.

I believe NWA753 is paired with the "non-magnetic" NWA you purchased from
Dean.  The total weight reported on NWA753 is 12 kilos but I would guess it
to be in the fashion of 30 kilos.  There is more of it in Morocco right now
and the sellers know what it is.  Much have the meteorite has also entered
the market since its original purchase.  Pairing is often done without
report to the Meteorite Society, such is the way with NWA's.

NWA753 and NWA978 may possibly be paired.  On the R4's, I do not know. It
would be nice to have CRE age comparisons done on these stones.  They do as
you noted look very simular but you would exspect such from an R3.8, R3.9
and an R4.

R chondrites are rare, unbrecciated R chondrites are ever more rare.  The
reason why we have so many from Morocco leaves the chance they might be the
same stone.  However, at the prices the R chondrites are currantly being
sold you really can't go wrong.

I am sending this to Dean also, since he is no longer a list member.  If he
would like to comment on the subject I will post his comment later this

Mark Bostick

Meteorite-list mailing list

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