I think we should all just realize that we are in the presense of a true
Meteorite Hunter....Mohammed. He not only finds rare lunars with no trouble,
he has by now accumulated a collection of the finest and rarest meteorites
the world has to find. He by now has far exceeded both Ninninger and the
great Mr. Haag, who I hear has heard of Mohammed and plans on erecting a
shrine to him. Mohammed has shown us all that we know little or nothing
about our passion, that with his knowledge and understanding which far
exceeds anyone on this list he can fill a dump truck with meteorites in a
couple of hours, compared to the years it has taken some on this list. In a
year or so Mohammed will achieve such greatness with his collecting that
meteorites will simply give up on hiding from him and only fall within a few
feet of his home, thus eliminating his need to search for them as they know
that he will inevitably find them anyway.

So in conclusion I say.... ALL HAIL MOHAMMED! Faster than a speeding meteor,
Stronger than a rare earth magnet, able to leap upon an unsuspecting lunar
in a single bound...... LOOK!  out in the desert....is it a camel, is it a
nomad? Nope it is Mohammed carrying another 40 kilo lunar back to his lab.
All in a days work.

One thing worries me though....with all the rocks falling in his back yard I
hope he never finds any ejecta from Planet Krypton....you all remember what
Kryptonite did to Superman!

So I humbly retire to my meager collection, a mere 10 meteorites purchased
from all of you and cherished and hope someday that I too may reach that
spritual high that Mohammed has reached where every stone I see is a rare
meteorite....But first I must find out what kind of HOOKA he is smoking and
where he buys his Camel Ghanja!


Mark Miconi
Phoenix, AZ

PS...Please be aware that this dilusion is my own and any statements made
that "might" be untrue are of my own creation...the author is not
responsible for any damage that might incurr from uncontrollable laughter.
----- Original Message -----
From: magellon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Is Mohammed a hoax?

> Greetings All and Mohamed,
> I think I first raised that question a year ago.
> I also thought that M.C.  was having his fun.
> But, Mohamed's e-mails ARE coming from NWA.
> I also answered my own question when I researched
> Mohamed and found an old site where he was trying to sell his
> 'meteorites' before they were classified.
> (Yes, they were supposedly undergoing classification back then!
> I wonder what ever happened to the top secret lunar expert who was
> examining his 'lunar meteorite'?)
> The site existed long before he approached the LIST.
> No, he is real, alive , and living in meteorite country.
> I just hope he accepts Mark  Bostick's generous offer and
> allows real meteorites to fall in his possession!
>  Perhaps THEN he will look for real meteorites and hopefully find some!
> Otherwise, I fear his desperate HEART will continue to mislead his
> logical brain.
> Best,
> Ken Newton
> http://home.earthlink.net/~magellon/webwrongs.html
> Wrongs on WWW
> tett wrote:
> > I am not so sure that Mohammed exists.  This has been going on for too
> > long and it sure looks like someone is pulling our collective
> > chain. M.C. are you out there?  ;>) Cheers, Mike Tettenborn
> >
> >      ----- Original Message -----
> >      From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >      To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >      Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 2:52 PM
> >      Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Mohameds dream
> >
> >
> >     > Mohamed has a dream as well - why should we not encourage
> >     > him ?!
> >
> >      Oh jeez....you're comparing Mohamed to Nininger???...this
> >      thread oughta get really interesting now !!!!!!
> >
> >      As best I can recall, NOT A SINGLE PERSON on this list is
> >      trying to discourage him from searching....many/most of us
> >      wish him only the best of luck and eventual success.
> >
> >      His problem is that he refuses to accept the
> >      opinions/feedback he receives from this list, some of whose
> >      members are among the leading researchers/collectors/etc. in
> >      the field of meteoritics.   Essentially NOTHING he has ever
> >      posted even remotely resembles a meteorite, but he refuses
> >      to accept the opinions rendered.  I don't care how
> >      passionately he may believe he has found a meteorite, if it
> >      ain't, it ain't.
> >
> >      There's a saying:  If it walks like a duck and quacks like a
> >      duck....it must be a duck.
> >
> >      Well, conversely:  If it walks like a donkey and brays like
> >      a donkey.....it ain't a duck !!!!!!
> >
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