Mark and others,

I couldn't seem to come up with anything unique so I asked one of my
sons...and his answer is better than any "original" response I was thinking
of. Here goes.

"Meteorites are cool because they are from way out in outer space, and we
can't go there. And it is cool to have things from outerspace."

I agree.

Thanx for another fun subject,


----- Original Message -----
To: "Meteorite List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 3:07 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Contest, Free Gao-Guenie

> Hello Everybody,
> I havent done a meteorite contest in a little while so, without further
> delay..
> Meteorite Contest #8?
> The prize in this contest is a free Gao Guenie, 13.4g with 95% black
> Smooth on all sides but one, almost an oriented shape.
> I am going to be doing a few school presentations here soon and the most
> comment thing I here from kids on meteorites is "Cool!".  So, with that in
> mind.
> The Winner of this contest will complete the following sentence.
> "Meteorites Are Cool Because."
> This is close to the African Meteorites are cool contest but different in
> the fact that it is more broad and therefore should have quite different
> answers.
> E-mail your answers to the list, no limit on how many words you use, the
> contest expires next Tuesday, all decisions final, and e-mail any
> Mark Bostick
> Wichita, Kansas
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> Meteorite-list mailing list

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