Hi David and List,

Interesting theory.  I am a little confused at what this new research
is trying to say.

Are they claiming that the volcanism from the Deccan Traps is largely
responsible for the mass extinctions and that the coincidental
meteorite impact aggravated the problem?

Or, are they claiming that a meteorite impact near the area of the
Deccan Traps triggered the resulting volcanism?

It is not inconceivable to think that the latent potential of the
Deccan Traps was unleashed by a catastrophic meteorite impact that
punctured the crust and released the volcanism that caused the
extinctions?  In effect, this would mean that the Deccan Traps would
not have caused the extinctions on their own, because the volcanism
would not have been "triggered" if the meteorite impact had not

Considering the massive size and global cataclysmic effects caused by
the Chicxulub event, it is hard to imagine that such an impact could
not have caused the extinctions on it's own without any help from
unrelated volcanism.  However, if the Deccan Traps were already
pummeling life on Earth with it's toxic effects, then the subsequent
Chicxulub event may have been the knock out punch that finished off
the species that were already on the ropes from the Deccan volcanism.

Either way, the new research still admits that a meteorite impact
played a role - even if it was secondary.

Best regards,


Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber (Michael Gilmer)

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On 11/18/11, David R. Vann <drv...@sas.upenn.edu> wrote:
> Not sure how much I agree with all this, but it sures seems the end
> Cretaceous
> would have been a bad time to be on planet Earth.
> One-Two Punch Caused Mass Extinction
> November 18, 2011
> Princeton Univ. researchers found that massive, prolonged eruptions of the
> Deccan Traps in India gradually eliminated species and resulted in the
> Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs 65 million
> years
> ago. Marine sediment trapped between Deccan lava flows revealed that a
> species
> known as planktonic foraminifera-widely used to gauge the severity of
> prehistoric disasters-succumbed to lava mega-flows and volcano-induced
> environmental stress such as acid rain and drastic climate changes. As
> conditions on Earth worsened, large, variedspecies (left) were eliminated.
> The
> no more than seven or eight smaller species (right) that remained dwarfed
> further. Image: Gerta Keller
> A cosmic one-two punch of colossal volcanic eruptions and meteorite strikes
> likely caused the mass-extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous period
> that
> is famous for killing the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, according to two
> Princeton Univ. reports that reject the prevailing theory that the
> extinction
> was caused by a single large meteorite.
> Princeton-led researchers found that a trail of dead plankton spanning half
> a
> million years provides a timeline that links the mass extinction to
> large-scale
> eruptions of the Deccan Traps, a primeval volcanic range in western India
> that
> was once three-times larger than France. A second Princeton-based group
> uncovered traces of a meteorite close to the Deccan Traps that may have been
> one
> of a series to strike the Earth around the time of the mass extinction,
> possibly
> wiping out the few species that remained after thousands of years of
> volcanic
> activity.
> Researchers led by Princeton professor of Geosciences Gerta Keller report
> this
> month in the Journal of the Geological Society of India that marine
> sediments
> from Deccan lava flows show that the population of a plankton species widely
> used to gauge the fallout of prehistoric catastrophes plummeted nearly 100
> percent in the thousands of years leading up to the mass extinction. This
> eradication occurred in sync with the largest eruption phase of the Deccan
> Traps-the second of three-when the volcanoes pumped the atmosphere full of
> climate-altering carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, the researchers report.
> The
> less severe third phase of Deccan activity kept the Earth nearly
> uninhabitable
> for the next 500,000 years, the researchers report. A substantially weaker
> first
> phase occurred roughly 2.5 million years before the second-phase eruptions.
> Another group based in Keller's lab found evidence in Indian sediment of a
> meteorite strike from the time of the mass extinction that would have been
> sufficient to finish off the few but weakened species that survived the
> Deccan
> eruptions, according to a report in the journal Earth and Planetary Science
> Letters (EPSL). This same sediment-located in Meghalaya, India, more than
> 600
> miles east of the Deccan Traps-portrayed the Earth during this period as a
> harsh
> environment of acid rain and erratic global temperatures.
> Taken together, Keller says, the Princeton findings could finally put to
> rest
> the theory that the mass-extinction event-known as the Cretaceous-Tertiary,
> or
> KT, for the periods it straddles-was triggered solely by a large meteorite
> impact near Chicxulub in present-day Mexico. That impact -which occurred
> around
> the time of the second-phase Deccan eruptions-is thought to have been 2
> million
> times more powerful than a hydrogen bomb and generated an enormous dust
> cloud
> and gases that radically altered the climate. Keller has long held that the
> Chicxulub impact was not catastrophic enough to cause the KT mass
> extinction-the
> newest work from her lab, however, shows that the largest Deccan eruptions
> were.
> "Our work in Meghalaya and the Deccan Traps provides the first one-to-one
> correlation between the mass extinction and Deccan volcanism," says Keller,
> who
> is lead author of the Geological Society paper and second author of the EPSL
> paper after lead author Brian Gertsch, who earned his Ph.D. from Princeton.
> Gertsch is now a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of
> Technology.
> "We demonstrate a clear cause-and-effect relationship that these massive
> volcanic eruptions were far more destructive than previously thought and
> could
> have caused the KT mass extinction even without the addition of large
> meteorite
> impacts," Keller says. "But given the environmental instability caused by
> the
> massive Deccan eruptions, an impact could easily have killed off the few
> survivor species at the end of the Cretaceous. It would have been a double
> whammy."
> Vincent Courtillot, a geophysicist and professor at Paris Univ. Diderot,
> says
> that the Princeton papers are based on a closer examination of Deccan
> volcanism
> and its aftermath than has been conducted previously. As such, he says, the
> researchers' "impressive analysis" confirms the timing of the Deccan
> eruptions
> and environmental fallout reported in recent years by various research
> teams,
> including his own.
> Courtillot, who is familiar with the Princeton work but had no role in it,
> led
> the team that reported in the Journal of Geophysical Research in 2009 that
> Deccan volcanism occurred in three phases, the second and largest of which
> coincides with the Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction; the Keller-led study
> published in the Journal of the Geological Society of India confirms the
> second
> and third phases, he says.
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> "The significance of this recent work is that the analysis was conducted in
> important sections near the volcanic action, and not thousands of kilometers
> away as had been the case previously," Courtillot says. "They provide
> support
> for the idea that carbon and sulfur dioxide emissions were the principal
> agents
> of environmental change and stress, and conclude that the characteristics of
> the
> second-phase eruptions were such that it could alone have caused the mass
> extinction."
> In addition, Courtillot says, the approach the teams used could prove
> valuable
> to understanding the part volcanoes played in other extinction events in
> Earth's
> history. "Exceptional, massive volcanism, I am now quite sure, is the
> general
> cause of mass extinctions," he says. "But in order to be considered as
> proven
> and quantitatively explained, we need the kind of extensive, detailed work
> described by these teams to be conducted for all other extinctions."
> The case for Deccan over the Chicxulub impact as the cause of the KT
> extinction
> Keller is prominent among scientists who reject the Chicxulub impact's role
> in
> the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. She is well known for leading a team of
> researchers who announced in 2003 that a sediment core from the Chicxulub
> crater
> revealed that the impact predated the mass-extinction event by about 300,000
> years.
> Keller and her co-authors published their findings in the journal
> Proceedings of
> the National Academy of Sciences in 2004 and suggested that the Chicxulub
> meteorite was instead one of several meteorite strikes that occurred in the
> several hundred thousand years leading up to the mass-extinction event. They
> concluded that while destructive, the Chicxulub impact was not powerful
> enough
> to have caused widespread annihilation. Keller and her collaborators have
> since
> supported these findings with additional evidence from Texas and
> northeastern
> Mexico published in EPSL in 2007 and the Journal of the Geological Society
> of
> London in 2009, respectively.
> Keller has joined other scientists in focusing her research on the
> 30-year-old
> idea first championed by Virginia Tech geologist Dewey McLean that Deccan
> volcanism was the root of the Cretaceous mass extinction. Until recently,
> the
> theory was in question because the eruptions were thought to have been
> stretched
> out over a period of more than 1 million years, leaving plenty of time for
> the
> Earth to recover between eruptions, Keller says.
> Improved dating technology, however, allowed scientists-particularly the
> team
> led by Courtillot-to narrow the time of the largest eruptions to a few
> hundred
> thousand years at the end of the Cretaceous. Known as Deccan phase-2, this
> period accounted for 80 percent of the total volcanism. The first and
> weakest
> phase of activity occurred about 67.5 million years ago; the third and final
> eruption phase began about 300,000 years after the KT mass extinction.
> In 2008, Keller and her team reported in EPSL the first direct link that the
> KT
> extinction coincided with the end of the second phase of Deccan eruptions.
> She
> explained that marine sediments preserved between lava flows from the
> second-
> and third-phase eruptions contained evidence of the KT boundary, a thin,
> worldwide geological layer that marks the mass-extinction event.
> Deccan volcanism behind the mass extinction, so say the plankton
> The work published Nov. 1 by the Geological Society of India builds on
> Keller's
> 2008 paper in EPSL. She and her co-authors examined cores from Deccan lava
> flows
> near Rajahmundry in the Krishna-Godavari Basin, the remnant of an ancient
> sea on
> the Bay of Bengal coast, and found that lava flows from the second and third
> Deccan phases are separated by marine sediments.
> Keller worked with scientists with India's government-operated Oil and
> Natural
> Gas Corporation, which owns the sediment cores. Also included is Thierry
> Adatte,
> a geologist with the Univ. of Lausanne in Switzerland, who is Keller's
> long-time
> collaborator and a co-author on the papers challenging the time of the
> Chicxulub
> impact, as well as previous papers on Deccan volcanism.
> The team examined the basin's sediment layers to determine the size and
> number
> of a species known as planktonic foraminifera that remained following each
> eruption phase. These plankton are single-celled micro-organisms ranging in
> size
> from the point of a needle to a pinhead that are highly sensitive to changes
> in
> oxygen, salinity, temperature and nutrients, Keller says. Their sensitivity
> to
> environmental changes and their near extinction at the end of the Cretaceous
> makes the species key to determining the timespan, pace and severity of the
> mass
> extinction.
> After studying microplankton remains in sediment from below, between and
> above
> the second-phase lava flows, the researchers observed that the number of
> living
> species dropped 50 percent at the onset of eruptions. The species count
> plunged
> by another 50 percent after the first of what would be four lava mega-flows.
> No
> more than seven to eight of the species that were most tolerant to
> environmental
> changes survived after the first mega-flow, and no recovery occurred between
> subsequent mega-flows. By the end of the fourth mega-flow the mass
> extinction
> was complete, the researchers wrote.
> The vast amounts of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide poured into the
> atmosphere
> by the end of the second volcanic phase-estimated to be 30-times more than
> the
> levels produced by the Chicxulub impact-resulted in, among other crises,
> heavy
> acid rain, acidic oceans and global temperatures that swung between
> scorching
> and frigid, the researchers report. The third eruption phase prolonged these
> conditions.
> Thus, the number of species evolving remained low, and existing species
> dwarfed
> during the 500,000-year period after the mass extinction, although no
> significant extinctions occurred again, Keller and her co-authors found.
> New,
> larger marine species did not appear until after the third phase when Deccan
> eruptions went dormant, suggesting that life began to recover as the
> atmosphere
> became less poisonous.
> "In my work, I had always observed evidence of marked changes in species
> abundance with gradually higher levels of stress and extinction during the
> last
> several hundred thousand years, rather than one single instantaneous
> annihilation," Keller says. "For lack of better evidence, scientists had
> interpreted this steady decline as the result of climate and sea-level
> changes."
> Evidence that a large meteorite helped finish the job
> For the paper published in EPSL, Keller and her co-authors provide a
> supporting
> and more nuanced depiction of conditions during the Deccan period. They
> examined
> sediments from an ancient shallow sea in Meghalaya where rock layers are
> known
> to contain among the clearest fossil records of the Cretaceous-Tertiary mass
> extinction, Keller says.
> Analysis of the Meghalaya sediment revealed an inhospitable planet rife with
> high humidity, severe storms and massive blooms of the plankton species
> Guembelitria cretacea, a disaster opportunist that flourished in devastated
> environments when few other species survived.
> At the same time, the team detected large amounts of iridium, an element
> typically associated with meteorite impacts, Keller says. Iridium is rare on
> Earth yet is found in high concentrations in the KT boundary, a phenomenon
> known
> as the iridium anomaly. Remnants of iridium at the KT boundary in Meghalaya
> coincide with the global KT boundary iridium anomaly, she says.
> The new evidence of a meteorite strike at Meghalaya that coincides with the
> KT
> mass extinction supports the theory Keller proffered in 2003 that multiple
> meteorites struck the Earth around the time of the Deccan eruptions, adding
> to
> the volcano-fueled misery of the mass-extinction era.
> "Our data suggest that the mass extinction of the dinosaurs and other
> species
> was caused by the harsh conditions resulting from massive Deccan eruptions
> and
> the coincidence of multiple meteorites," Keller says. "In light of this new
> evidence, the single-impact story seems more like an article of faith at
> this
> point."
> The study published in the Journal of the Geological Society of India about
> the
> Deccan eruption and the meteorite research published in EPSL were both
> supported
> by grants from the National Science Foundation.
> Source: Princeton Univ.
> David R. Vann, Ph.D.
> Department of Earth and Environmental Science
> 240 S. 33rd St.
> Philadelphia, PA 19104-6316
> drv...@sas.upenn.edu
> office: 215-898-4906
> FAX: 215-898-0964
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