Hi Ed, On dentistes, Yaqui and a meteorite

Dentists in Nogales:
The dentists I mentioned all speak English and some even have US diplomas on the walls, although in the Mexican schools they probably get just as much if not more hands-on practice. So don't be shy, though I thank you so kindly for the vote of confidence. My Mother needed a root canal job about 5 years ago and even though we could have gotten it done anywhere in the world, I chose to get it done in Mexico and the proof is in the absolutely perfect job this incredible dentist did and with a service that I have never seen elsewhere and her hands were as gentle as they come..

Back to the Yaqui and meteorites: An unsolved Sonoran Yaqui Valley Mystery

Here's a lead that would be a blast to read; from the book:
The Book of the Damned
by Charles Fort

In the Scientific American, Sept. 10, 1910, Charles F. Holder writes: "Many years ago, a strange stone resembling a meteorite, fell into the Valley of the Yaqui, Mexico, and the sensational story went from one end to the other of the country that a stone bearing human inscriptions had descended to the earth." The bewildering observation here is Mr. Holder's assertion that this stone did fall. It seems to me that he must mean that it fell by dislodgment from a mountainside into a valley — but we shall see that it was such a marked stone that very unlikely would it have been unknown to dwellers in a valley, if it had been reposing upon a mountain side above them. It may have been carelessness: intent may have been to say that a sensational storyof a strange stone said to have fallen, etc.

This stone was reported by Major Frederick Burnham, of the British Army. Later Major Burnham re-visited it, and Mr. Holder accompanied him, their purpos to decipher the inscriptions on it, if possible.

"This stone was a brown, igneous rock, its longest axis about eight feet, and on the eastern face, which had an angle of about forty-five degrees, was the deep-cut inscription." Mr. Holder says that he recognized familiar Mayan symbols in the inscription. His method was the usual method by which anything can be "identified" as anything else: that is to pick out whatever is agreeable and disregard the rest.

He says that he has demonstrated that most of the symbols are Mayan. One of our interme- diatist pseudo-principles is that any way of demonstrating anything is just as good a way of demonstrating anything else. By Mr. Holder's method we could demonstrate that we're Mayan — if that should be a source of pride to us. One of the characters upon this stone is a circle within a circle — similar character found by Mr. Holder in a Mayan manuscript.

There are two 6's. 6's can be found in Mayan manuscripts. A double scroll. There are dots and there are dashes. Well, then, we, in turn, disregard the circle within a circle and the double scroll and emphasize that 6's occur in this book, and that dots are plentiful, and would be more if it were customary to use the small "i" for the first personal pronoun — that when it comes to dashes — that's demonstrated: we're Mayan.

I suppose the tendency is to damned feel that we're sneering at some valuable archaologic work, and that Mr. Holder did make a veritable identification. He writes: "I submitted the photographs to the Field Museum and the Smithsonian and one or two others, and, to my surprise, the reply was that they could make nothing out of it." Our indefinite acceptance, by preponderance of three or four groups of museum-experts against one person is that a stone bearing inscriptions unassimilable with any known language upon this earth, is said to have fallen from the sky.

Kindest wishes

-----Original Message-----
From: E.P. Grondine <epgrond...@yahoo.com>
To: MexicoDoug <mexicod...@aim.com>
Cc: meteorite-list <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Fri, Jan 20, 2012 2:06 pm
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Tucson

Hi Doug -

I wouldn't try it without your wonderful personal help.
I don't know how to say "more lidocaine" in Spanish.

My guess as to where the Yaqui meteorites are is in their pockets or in their

You could just ask them, and unless you're too greedy or obsessed, they'd likely tell you. The key is respect, and remembering that they have their own way of
looking at things, and valuing them.


--- On Fri, 1/20/12, MexicoDoug <mexicod...@aim.com> wrote:

From: MexicoDoug <mexicod...@aim.com>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Tucson
To: epgrond...@yahoo.com, meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Date: Friday, January 20, 2012, 1:28 AM
Hi Ed, I'm sorry you can't make it to
Tucson, but if you don't have dental insurance, you'll
probably get a better work for half the price right across
the border from Tucson/Nogales and can make your trip

Plus you might find some interesting stuff in Yaqui culture
if you look hard enough in that territory.  Really from
a meteorite hunting perspective it's hard to top the
Yaquis.  They traditionally believe that everything
that "inhabits" the desert intercommunicates with a
proto-language.  This includes (especially)
rocks.  I have always wondered what lore of meteorites
they might have and what they would make of it and you would
be the guy to work that out.  Maybe a full-blooded
Yaqui fluent in the old language could ask the rocks where
they keep their meteorites ;-) as a bonus!  Anyway, a
super interesting never-conquered culture which if not for
commercialization of "La Bamba" would probably get even more
respect and a better understanding...

Anyway, the Deer Dance is all about the arid desert hunt
where successfully finding and bagging one is a matter of
survival.  Here's an excellent no bullshit/no props
representation of it to whet your appetite:

But back to this, you will find excellent english speaking
dentists in Nogales at:


Kindest wishes

-----Original Message-----
From: E.P. Grondine <epgrond...@yahoo.com>
To: meteorite-list <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Thu, Jan 19, 2012 11:01 pm
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Tucson

Hi everyone -

I will not be able to go to Tucson this year, as the need
for a root canal (and
its expense) has intervened. I hope those of you expecting
to get signed copies
of "Man and Impact in the Americss"  there will not be
too disappointed.

I also want to apologize to those who were expecting more
from me on the First
Peoples and meteorites, as I now realize due to the actions
of a few individuals
out there I can not participate in making that information

have a great time,

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