Every photo of Tissint I've seen in photos it is unique in so many ways. 
Freshness, flowlines, orientations, depply sculpted backsides...  Other
than its freshness is there a particular reason for its unique look?

This is just one of many and they are all spectacular in so many ways.

> http://www.rocksfromspace.org/tissint-unm.html

BTW - Thanks to EVERYONE for sharing your photos and commentaries and
analyses to this list.  In that same spirit of sharing - CJ and I were
just given a 24 volume 1957 library copy Encyclopedia Brittanica with 1958
update book, and...  Wow!  What a time capsule!  She's going to be sharing
a lot of its contents to a site dedicated to old books.  We'll keep
everyone posted.

First up to be photographed and linked will be, of course, meteorites and
related topics.


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