Sterling>>I make the perfect expert  for this dispute because I
am not a frontiersman and know nothing about  lions,
cougars, pards, and whatnot. Knowing nothing, I
was forced to  GoogleStorm the question of "mountain
lion" shoe-size.<<

Well  after going over what Sterling dug up, it would seem that what eric 
seen in  florida is within the realm of possibility. I sure would love to 
have found the  photos that were taken of the two mountain lions killed at my 
father in laws  place. I looked high and low. The big interest in those 
photos were the size of  its head and front paws compared to my father in laws 
hands. Perhaps the furry  part on its paws made it look larger than the foot 
print producing pads? During  that period (In the late 1980's and early 
1990's), there was an incident about 2  miles from my in laws place where a 
mountain lion swatted the butt of a 4 year  old kid at Cuyamaca State Park 
camping. the lion came right into camp and  attacked the kid. This was all 
caught on video. A park ranger shot and killed  it. within a year or two of 
this, a mountain lion killed a woman hiker within  cuyamaca Park. I can't 
remember if this one was killed or not. We had a woman  friend of ours who was 
hiking in Cuyamaca that suddenly had a lion appear on the  trail about ten 
feet from her. She did a series of things that did no  good...such as holler 
at it, blow a loud whistle and wave her arms. She said the  lion just sat 
there looking at her. Finally out of desperation she hit it in the  head with 
her walking stick and it turned and trotted off. While living in Texas  many 
years ago, I often heard stories about mountain lion attacks or the threat  
of them, but never heard of one caught or killed there. I'm sure they were  
around, but I didn't feel threatened. They probably had plenty of food 
around to  be much of a threat to humans. 
George Zay  


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