Hi Wu and List,

Great photos Wu, thanks for sharing them.   :)

So, let me ask a question to the hammer-meteorite collectors -

This meteorite struck a paved road.  So, does this mean it is a hammer fall?

Best regards,


Galactic Stone & Ironworks - MikeG

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On 2/27/12, 博方 李 <bryanli...@yahoo.com.cn> wrote:
> Hi lists,
> Today I finally made some time to choose several fragments regarding the
> Chinese new fall on Feb 11th, 2012, and took the pictues.
> Here is the link of the pictures, hope you will enjoy them
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/49390711@N03/?saved=1
> Best wishes!
> Wu Yonghui
> IMCA1371
> Email:wyh...@163.com
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