I want to be quick to thank and commend Paul Heinrich for his
detailed, specific, spirited, forthright, reason and evidence based
critique of many vivid, dramatic, but dubious claims that are rampant
in many amateur discussions about Holocene geology -- I will share his
entire post with those who received my enthusiastic summary.

within mutual service,  Rich Murray

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Paul H. <oxytropidoce...@cox.net> wrote:

> In the post "some choice informed creative responses
> from 138 re wattsupwiththat.com blog article New
> evidence supporting extraterrestrial impact at the
> start of the Younger Dryas" at

> http://six.pairlist.net/pipermail/meteorite-list/2012-March/083857.html

> Rich Murray wrote,
> "some choice informed creative comments from 138 re
> wattsupwiththat.com blog article New evidence supporting
> extraterrestrial impact at the start of the Younger Dryas:
> Rich Murray 2012.03.13
> really nice to see so much friendly, cooperative sharing of
> ideas and evidence !
> http://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/03/12/new-evidence-supporting-extraterrestrial-impact-in-younger-dryas/#comment-921464
>  "
> It is nice to see people sharing evidence. Unfortunately,
> sharing antiquated, discredited, and even fictional
> "evidence" only adds to the general skepticism among
> Quaternary geologists and other Earth scientists about
> the Younger Dryas impact. People need to vet the
> material, which they are sharing, in order to make sure
> that they are not recycling long-discredited pseudoscience
> from Young Earth creationists, Velikovskians, and
> supporters of Earth Crustal Displacement and Charles
> Hapgood, and other fringe sources. Such material only
> serves to detract from they credible evidence that is
> presented concerning the Younger Dryas impact.....

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