Thanks Rob, you helped me out a lot. When the  meteor first entered the 
atmosphere, I was hearing a variety of interpretations.  The one that puzzled 
me the most was a report that it had exploded over the town  of 
Snelling...which is about 20 or so miles northeast of Merced, CA.   

In a message dated 5/2/2012 1:33:04 P.M. Pacific Daylight  Time, writes:
Roughly east to west, based on the  combination of radar returns and the
angle of the trajectory as seen in Lisa  Warren's images. Additional
refinement needs to be done to determine whether  the flight bearing
was toward slightly north of west or slightly south of  west. (The
radar data suggests slightly north of west, but there could be  some
sampling bias in those images, and at least one local witness  suggested
a more ENE to WSW trajectory.)  I'm still working on the  trajectory and
will post an update when I've pinned it down a little  better.  --Rob  


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