No, it was a meteorite.
Do some research on meteors/meteorite falls on that date in previous years.

Bjørn Sørheim   

At 11:41 19.03.03 -0600, you wrote:
>Paper: The Chronicle-Journal
>City: Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
>Date: March 14, 2003
>U.S.-based research centre believes light over city may have been space junk
>By Kris Ketonen
>Officials with a Las Vegas-based aerial anomaly research centre believe the
>strange light seen over Thunder Bay last weekend may have been a piece of
>space junk re-entering the atmosphere.
>Colm Kelleher, who holds a PhD in biochemistry and serves as deputy
>administrator with the National Institute for Discovery Science - a
>privately funded organization that looks into things like UFOs and cattle
>mutilations - said there were "substantial" space junk reentries scheduled
>for atmosphere March 3 and 11.
>One of them was remnants from a European Space Agency launch about two weeks
>ago, and the other was part of a satellite, he said.
>"Usually, they can pinpoint these things pretty accurately," he said from
>Las Vegas yesterday. "They can usually predict a flight path."
>There were no re-entries scheduled for March 8, however, Kelleher said.
>Therefore a meteor, mentioned earlier this week by Lakehead University
>geologist Stephen Kissin, is also a possibility.

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