Hi all:

I'm must plead somewhat "guilty" in that I sometimes purchase
small meteorites (usually micro-bits) from certain sellers listing items
on EBay, usually because those particular sellers can supply what I want
at a relatively, for me, good price (despite the increasing shipping costs). I'm
also guilty, as, from time to time, again when funds are available, I
purchase small specimens directly from certain dealers who do not list
on EBay, and even  from a couple of dealers who aren't on this list!
For the most part, my experiences have been satisfactory.

I did see an ad on Ebay initially offering pieces of the new Russian fall,
from a source listed as being in Las Vegas, Nevada. As these specimens were
being offered within minutes of the meteorites hitting the ice/snow,  I
reasoned that these "specimens" were indeed fraudulent! And I offered the
seller my opinion on his items in my very best "diplomatic language".

I, for now, will wait until one of the dealers I know has some of this fall
in stock, at a price I can afford, whether from a dealer's listing on EBay,
or from a dealer's web store.

Chris. Spratt
Victoria, BC


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