To all You hunters who have searched Primm / Roach Dry lake:

Please help me to rebuild one of my favourite meteorite finds. This 242 g individual was found back in 1997 and was reconstructed from 3 pieces and glued back together. It is still missing a small 8 gram wedge shaped piece that hopefully can be reunited with the main mass??? Just want all of you who have hunted Roach D.L. to take a look at this video and see if just maybe you have the piece I am looking for. It would be Incredible to COMPLETE this meteorite's saga. If found I would be happy to substitute for a larger Primm piece from our collection...and some detailed info on a Nevada strewn field that has yielded
some really Amazing finds. Let me know. thanks.

Would also be interested in the locations and mass of additional finds regardless of matching my piece so that I can get an idea of what we missed. I want this attempt at unification to get out to everyone so please forward the video to anyone you know
who has searched this location or is even slightly interested.

This just might work? I hope.

Paul Gessler

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