Aloha mai kakou,

I am pointing my canoe NE for a voyage to Alberta (the overland portion is 
gonna be tough sailing). But would like to mention that the Big Kahuna holdings 
were exceeding a kilo of this beautiful L6 (S6,W0) meteorite, as opposed to the 
335g reported in the metbull ( 

Pictured on the link below is a full slice of Mreira, an L6 ordinary chondrite 
with a shock stage of 6 and a weathering stage of 0. It was witnessed to fall 
near the village of Mehaires, Western Sahara. Pieces were recovered 
approximately 40 miles south of Mehaires, near Mreïra, Mauritania, only a few 
days after the event. The strewn field is in the area called "Stailt Omgrain", 
which is a local nomadic name. This is south of Mehaires and north of the 
mountain "Galbe lahmar". 
The meteorite is brecciated, and appears to feature clasts of less equilibrated 
chondritic material. Some specimens have been shocked, with distinct melt 

Some of the Mreira individual and slice offerings can be seen on these two 

Because I will be away, I won't be able to ship anything out immediately, but 
can accept sales to ship out upon my return to Hawaii August 6. 

Gary Fujihara
Big Kahuna Meteorites Inc.
PO Box 4175, Hilo, HI  96720
(808) 640-9161


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