Please unsubscribe me from this List. Sorry to have offended all.

Not sure where the "offended" part comes in here, Rosie.   I'm somewhat of a genealogical student of European Royalty, and I was just merely stating that it simply doesn't work, to claim that William the Conqueror, Cleopatra, Princess Di, David, Solomon, Eleanor of Acquitaine, Lady Godiva, the Plantagenets, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Lighthorse Harry Lee, James Monroe, Richard Nixon, Robert E. Lee, Lady Godiva, the Pharaohs, Richard the Lionhearted, Ptolemy, and King Olaf are all related to each other.   There's no "offense" taken, it's just that such a claim is sorta the genealogical equivalent of the Frass Meteorite.  ;-)    If you're just kidding around with it, fine, but please don't ask anyone to actually believe it.   Don't go anywhere on MY account. 

And speaking of meteorites.....;-)


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