I guess that this should now be "Crystyl" clear to everyone...    :)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Carl Agee via Meteorite-list" <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
To: "Galactic Stone & Ironworks" <meteoritem...@gmail.com>
Cc: "Laurence Garvie" <lgar...@cox.net>; "meteoritelist meteoritelist" <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Met Bulletin Update: Sahara 00293

Mike and All:

Even poor old L6's can have their 15 minutes of fame! This one has
high pressure minerals: "dark blue ringwoodite and green wadsleyite".
How cool (or should I say hot and shocked?) is that?

Carl Agee
Carl B. Agee
Director and Curator, Institute of Meteoritics
Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences
MSC03 2050
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131-1126

Tel: (505) 750-7172
Fax: (505) 277-3577
Email: a...@unm.edu

On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 1:01 PM, Galactic Stone & Ironworks via
Meteorite-list <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com> wrote:
Hi Laurence and List,

Aaaaah, the nebulous picture becomes more clear. Science works in
mysterious ways.

It must be interesting (and fun) to have access to an institutional
collection. One could sift through the numerous specimens looking for
traits that stand out and/or features of interest. I wonder what first
caught her eye about this old Saharan OC. I wish Ms. Crystyl the best
of luck on her research and I hope we see her name more often in the
Bulletin.  :)

Thanks for the explanation Laurence. :)

Best regards,


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On 1/23/15, Laurence Garvie via Meteorite-list
<meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com> wrote:
Crystyl is a grad student in the School of Earth and Space Exploration at ASU. She is studying shock phases in meteorites, and by chance Sah 00293 has something very interesting in it (you can look up her LPSC abstract which
will be online in a few weeks). In order for her LPSC abstract to be
accepted, she had to first classify and then get the meteorite accepted by
the NomCom.

Laurence Garvie


Message: 6
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 18:30:02 -0500
From: "Galactic Stone & Ironworks" <meteoritem...@gmail.com>
To: Meteorite List <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Subject: [meteorite-list] Met Bulletin Update : Sahara 00293

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Hi Bulletin Watchers,

There is one new approval. I find it curious. It is an old Sahara OC
found by Mr. Labenne fifteen years ago (2000). Crystylynda Fudge was
the classifier. I have never heard this name before. I am just curious
why this meteorite suddenly appeared out of obscurity to be approved

Best regards and Happy Huntings,


Link : http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=61360

Bulletin write-up :

Sahara 00293
Found: 2000
Classification: Ordinary chondrite (L6)

History: Reportedly collected in the same location as Sahara 98222.

Physical characteristics: Chondrules largely integrated into matrix,
difficult to discern in cut section. Abundant shock-induced melt veins
and pockets.

Petrography: Fine-grained recrystallized plagioclase throughout
matrix, some grains up to 200 ?m. Abundant metal sulfides and troilite
with trace native Cu. Evidence of minor planar deformation features in
olivine. Ubiquitous opaque shock melt veins and associated dark blue
ringwoodite and green wadsleyite.

Geochemistry: (C. Fudge, ASU) EPMA: Fa24.8?0.1 FeO/MnO: 48.8?1.6 n=11;
low-Ca pyroxene Fs20.9?0.3Wo1.6?0.2 FeO/MnO: 28.6?1.1 n=12; high-Ca
pyroxene Fs8.4?0.2Wo44.4?0.1 FeO/MnO: 20.8?1.2 n=2

Classification: Ordinary chondrite L6, S6, W2

Specimens: 27.05 g and one thin section at ASU

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