Hi Jeff,

A worthy program for sure.  But, one has to wonder - if Australia's
laws were not so restrictive, private hunters would be recovering and
classifying more Australian meteorites than the scientists would have
time to examine.  Take the private hunters out of the equation, and
all that's left are scarcely-funded and undermanned "official"
programs.  Science suffers.

Best regards and Happy Huntings,


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On 2/2/15, Jeff Kuyken via Meteorite-list
<meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Some of you may have seen me post this on Facebook already but for those of
> you who haven't, unfortunately the Australian Monash University Meteorite
> Recovery program is under threat of being cancelled this year due to lack
> of
> funding. This is the same one that I assisted with in 2012 & 2013 so I have
> seen firsthand the contributions this team makes and what they are doing to
> further Australian meteoritical science. In fact, over the past several
> years, this program has been responsible for discovering around 20% of all
> of Australia's meteorite finds.
> So this year, with funding having run out, the team is turning to the
> public
> and meteorite community for help. For those of you who would like to
> consider helping or would even just like to learn a bit more about the
> program, please see the link below. There is plenty of information there
> about the program and also how this crowd funding would contribute to
> another successful year.
> http://www.pozible.com/project/189365
> Thanks,
> Jeff Kuyken
> Meteorites Australia
> www.meteorites.com.au
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