The following text is from Dr. Alan Rubin....
we're still trying to work out a html-to-text conversion problem....
hope this makes it to the Met-List. 
(You can charge me for this AD; I still have one more to my credit;-)
Bob V.  

It may offend some, but my new novel is available for purchase on Amazon and on 
Kindle.  It is called:

Son of Man: A Personal Memoir by Yehoshuah ben Yahweh, Translated and Edited by 
Arthur Melton and Monica Wheatley 

Here is the description:

The jury is still out -- this memoir, hidden in an Egyptian cave for 2000 
years, could be a literary forgery. It purports to be the only extant piece of 
writing penned by Jesus Christ. Most of the traditional Gospel stories and 
parables are here, but in nearly every case, the implied lessons differ 
dramatically from those in the New Testament. The author shows himself to be a 
charismatic, often ruthless, Jewish nationalist intent on expelling the Romans 
from Judaea. Jesus befriends the illusionist Simon Magus, who shows him how to 
stage healings. He recruits the apostle Paul as a double agent and crosses 
rhetorical swords with Alexandrian and Roman philosophers. He performs 
astounding deeds: he appears to walk on water and seems to raise Lazarus from 
the dead. His militia launches guerrilla attacks against Roman caravans while 
his disciples dispatch perfidious tax collectors. All this in preparation for a 
daring Passover rebellion. This is a bold story
 of religious fundamentalism, cynical manipulation and political violence, all 
written with a touch of humor.

Everyone should buy a copy or two.  They make great post-Easter gifts.
Alan Rubin
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences
University of California
3845 Slichter Hall
603 Charles Young Dr. E
Los Angeles, CA  90095-1567

office phone: 310-825-3202
fax: 310-206-3051

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