Okay Elton, I have added a higher res photo and I have added what I
received from sample testing at Actlabs for anyone who is curious.
Yes, I am a bit lost, but does it still seem meteoritic? It does, for
a desert-varnish idea seems to fall a bit flat, for one. I have been
fooled before, in numerous ways, however, who knows, perhaps more than
the next guy. Thank you everyone for your patience with me, my forays
into ignorance, and occasional laziness. I would love to learn more,
and any clues to help me pick up the trail, or other assistance will
at least be thanked. As for the paranoia/righteous-suspicion duality,
it would be great again, to see evidence that certain various things
are not indeed mislabelled as "paranoia", which happens to be a loaded
term in many situations, this included.

On Sun, Jun 7, 2015 at 2:28 PM, MEM <mstrema...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear Peter, invoking the name "Steve Curry"--inferring that he was a
> "victim" and even the slightest hint that you might be being "Curry-boated",
> speaks volumes-- all in the negative. Unless this thread gets into some
> substantial technical detail, I agree with John that it is fruitless to
> continue it. I am including some of that technical discussion.
> As to an Actulab finding of granite--I concede granite is nearing
> "obsolescence" as a rock fabric/texture descriptive mineralogy term, as
> there are dozens of garanitoid rock textures now that science is more
> sophisticated in describing plutonic rocks. "Granite" works for general
> class discussion but does lack definition when discussing specific rock
> histories.
> I assume however that your lab result included a "normative mineralogy"
> adjustment such that there is a substantial amount of silica/quartz/SiO4
> reflected in the result. All the "red herring"/tangent arguments won't
> change that.  Your unwillingness to post the lab findings furthers the
> righteous suspicions that this is not meteoritic.  I also observe that the
> fact that you have posted your specimen's photo in lack-luster detail, along
> with a host of animal carvings doesn't lend to your meteorite assertion as
> being credible.
> Granite meteorites are highly improbable.  They would have to come from a
> deeply excavated crater upon else a tectonically active-at-some-time, large
> rocky planet with thick crust. There are are 2 candidates remaining in the
> solar system and neither of those bodies have confirmed meteorites in our
> samplings.
> Regards,
> Elton
> ________________________________
> From: John Lutzon via Meteorite-list <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> To: Peter Richards <pedricha...@gmail.com>
> Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Sent: Sunday, June 7, 2015 2:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Accepting Inquiries From Accredited Scientific
> or Educational Institutions...
> This thread needs to end.

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