
Sorry Long post but here goes...

Personally I use an 'organic indicating Silica gel' this turns from
Yellow to Orange when 'used'. To re-use it once it has changed colour,
you can put your silica gel into a cup and put it into a Microwave oven
on low power for a couple of minutes, when the colour has changed back
let it cool down and put it back into your cabinet. (I have successfully
re used Silica for years).

It's pointless trying to get the humidity down too much if your cabinet
is not reasonably air tight (or at least well sealed), as a cabinet that
is open to the air will let the moist air in and turn the silica in just
a few days. Also bear in mind that used up 'wet' silica Gel in an
enclosed space can actually increase the humidity (since damp silica can
dry out giving off water vapor) so recharge it regularly!!.

People tend to frown upon Cobalt Chloride indicators, this is because it
is a chloride and that can cause chemical reactions with metals. But -
Cobalt Chloride in Silica Gel is inert, is so well locked up that any
chloride release is really minimal. However Cobalt Chloride indicating
paper is not recommended for the reasons stated above.

The Worst cause of oxidation is when you touch bare meteorite surfaces
with your hands, this leaves deposits of salt water oils and grime ideal
stuff for eating meteorite, wear gloves or keep handling to a minimum. 

Hope that's of some use, just my experiences.

Mark Ford.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 16 June 2003 21:07
Subject: [meteorite-list] Summertime Dessicant Tune-Up

Hello List,

Now that summer has arrived, I am attempting to get the humidity
properly controlled in my display cases. With that said, what type of
dessicant is recommend for this purpose? Also, what humidity indicator
would you recommend using? I only ask this question because I have heard
that cobalt chloride indicators are frowned upon for use as humidity
monitors for meteorite displays. Any suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. By the way, Does anyone know what temperature/time to use
to "bake-out" clay dessicant packets? Thanks in advance!



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