To all my friends in Ensisheim this weekend, I hope you will have a
blast. Unfortunately my plans fell through and I was not able to come
this year. Next year with a bit more advanced planning and I will be
there for sure.

Though I will not be there Tomasz Jakubowski will be there and he is
bringing the L3.00 TS with him as well as three very nice and very
thin specimens of NWA 8276 L3.00. Please contact him at the show to
see this material and slides - they are available for purchase.

Best regards,


On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 2:20 PM, Mendy Ouzillou
<> wrote:
> Dear MetList members,
> L3.00 TS for SALE:
> For all you TS lovers out there I have something quite special.
> Covered and uncovered TS of NWA 8276 one of TWO, L3.00 and of the five
> L or LL3.00, it is certainly the freshest of the bunch other than the
> famous fall of Semarkona. Research depends on a meteorite being not
> only classified but approved as well and this special meteorite is
> both. Two of the slices have already been committed to be on loan to
> meteoritic institutions for study.
> Tomasz (Tomek) Jakubowski will have these with him in Ensisheim (I
> will unfortunately not be able to attend). For all the European
> collectors you can PayPal the payment to me and pick up your slide
> from Tomasz next weekend!
> The TS can be viewed (even without a Facebook account) at
> Best regards from sunny California where we could use some rain,
> Mendy Ouzillou
> IMCA member #8395 and board director
> MetSoc member

Mendy Ouzillou

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