Hi Count,
       By the way, I will be in Las Vegas tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday to 
visit with
family, and for my grown kids to take in a show.  You are killing me with news 
of this 
find, as I will not have any time to get out and hunt on this trip.  I would 
like to say 
that I am hunting this find vicariously, but in truth, I am just green with 
                      Best Regards,  Ben Fisler, Phoenix

Sent from my iPad

> On Jun 8, 2016, at 1:11 PM, Count Deiro via Meteorite-list 
> <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com> wrote:
> Hello List,
> Less than an hour ago, I returned to Las Vegas with a some experienced 
> friends after we completed an "overnight" trip to the north. One of the 
> smarter of us had come up with a way to drive in the afternoon to an area of 
> promise and be on site at daybreak and hunt until, it was reasoned, people 
> would be in the area and we would be subject to whatever.
> At a little after sunrise this morning, and less than an hour into searching, 
> one of us made what we all agree might be a "major' find. We also agreed that 
> one of us could say something censored to the List without "letting the cat 
> out of the bag" for fear of the usual inane responses from the doubters and 
> criticizers. But, more importantly, we also are aware that there would a real 
> risk that some authority would claim the meteorite was found where it could 
> be subject to seizure.
> We all are so excited and pumped....especially me, because my cancer has kept 
> me confined to home for many months... that we had to share the news and also 
> establish the start of a public record of the find.
> All we can say further is that the meteorite, which is much larger than the 
> 13.7 kilo LL6 chondrite I found in Pahrump, Nevada, is obviously not an OC. 
> It was found on flat, sandy, terrain and it appears recent rain and wind had 
> exposed part of it.
> I say this with affection for my friends, but I'll be surprised if they can 
> keep a secret. At least I got to get some of the excitement off my chest. And 
> no...I am not the lucky one who literally stumbled over this rock...but, I 
> was 20' away.
> Yahoo!
> Count Deiro
> <Guido on the vearanda with cigar 2016 003.JPG>
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