Greetings listees. There is no way that I even
consider myself being any kind of a dealer. I sell on
eBay so that I can make aome money to purchase my
collection pieces. At the moment I am selling off a
good portion of my Carbonaceous Chondrite collection
on eBay [hint-hint] so that I can purchase new
Eucrites, as this is the collection direction that I
am going towards now. Collector yes... dealer no! Have
a great 4th.!!!!!

> Dear List,
> We consider ourselves collectors first not dealers. 
> We have spent way more
> than we have sold.  I feel some of the
> qualifications for a true dealer are:
> Knowing what you are selling meaning having
> meteorites classified whenever
> possible
> Possessing an excellent knowledge of the subject
> Having a long-term business plan
> Standing behind what you are selling
> Knowing what the market will bear (fair pricing) so
> that you will be around
> for awhile
> Knowing the ratio between ordinary meteorites and
> rare ones and pricing
> accordingly
> Preparing or having material prepared properly
> Depositing proper sized type specimens
> Promoting meteoritics
> Donating material to non-profit organizations to
> further promote meteorites
> Protecting customers long-term interests by
> providing accurate TKWs
> Working closely with the scientific community
> Keeping track of your inventory meaning cataloging
> and labeling
> Above all being honest
> I am sure a lot more can be added to this list.
> Best Wishes
> Adam

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