"he saw a fresh crater in the farm field with dirt all
thrown up and around, and when him and his brother
poked a shovel in the bottom they found this rock" 

Hey Larry?

Maybe they hadn't dug all the way down to the
Maybe they had dug down only 1 foot away from the
"meteorite" and this rock that they have fell back
into the hole on top of it?  ;-)

Commendable (recovery/education) effort on your part.

Bob V.

[meteorite-list] Interesting item on eBay web site
item#2182222677: Meteo... 
Sat, 5 Jul 2003 08:47:40 EDT 

Tom, List,
I had the pleasure of meeting the man with the ebay
"meteorite". He was about 40 miles north of where I
was going anyway so I packed up a microscope, rare 
earth magnet, meteorites with fresh crust, and some
old weathered ones too. 
Drove out and met him and his family and gave a good
old fashioned meteorite demonstration.(Kinda felt like
Harvey!) These folks live in pure farm country so 
I thought it a good idea to educate them a little.
Unfortunately Dans' meteorite was a little more like a
leaverite and I told him that, of course he had a good
story as to how he came to possess the stone 
in question. He told me that when he was a kid in the
' 60's he saw a fresh crater in the farm field with
dirt all thrown up and around, and when him and 
his brother poked a shovel in the bottom they found
this rock, he never doubted for a minute that he had
an authentic space rock.

I'm 100% convinced no ill intentions were intended.
When I told him that he should remove the item from
ebay he didn't argue a bit. He was looking for some 
seed money for a family project and thought he would
cash in on his old meteorite!

He asked me to tell everyone that he is an honest man,
and he had no idea that his auction was inappropriate.


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