
Speaking of "gaslighting", you once bragged about majoring in psychology. Professionals in other parts of the country avoid slang terms. In slang terms, you are "gaslighting" by accusing me of "gaslighting."

The exact location of NWA 1110 is known and the Meteoritical Society approved the entire lot making it official. Apparently they had faith in the classifying scientist. Images were captured of the crude recovery operation using a motorcycle fender as a shovel and and a window screen as a sieve. NASA liked these images so much they there were posted in the hallway outside the Lunar Receiving Laboratory at the Lydon B. Johnson Space Center the last time I was there.

Link to images:

Your argument about NWA 869 holds no water either since a special exception was made for this particular meteorite in regards to pairings. No such exception has ever been made for any other meteorites that I am aware of.

We have been through this debate before as you state. That is why I am not going to waste much time with you. You wasted many hours of the all volunteer board of the IMCA several years ago with your false accusations and a complaint against yourself. You accused half of the board members on the IMCA of the same thing you were accused of in an attempt to redirect blame which sounds like "gaslighting" to me. They dismissed your complaints due to a lack of merit.

The complaint against you, on the other hand, about self-pairing a Black Beauty stone, which was never paid for according to the seller, resulted in a different outcome. This is one of many reasons your membership was revoked and any level of respect you once had, dissipated.

You went onto creating a "Meteorite Dealer Hall OF Shame" list according to a reliable source. I heard this list will be updated soon. Good luck with the legal repercussions.

If I were you, I would worry more about your Social Media Profile since you were or are planning a career in meteoritics and all your badmouthing and posturing has not gone unnoticed.

It is interesting that guilty parties nearly always accuse their accusers of what they are guilty of themselves.


On 11/4/2017 12:13 PM, Jason Utas wrote:
We've had this discussion before, Adam.  You're gaslighting.

The pairing rules are very clear and can be read in section 4.2 (a) and (b) of this link: https://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/docs/nc-guidelines.pdf

Key statements:
1) "a single (collective) name may be given in cases where fragments fit together or similar-looking fragments are found within a few meters of each other" 2) "Two or more newly discovered meteorites in dense collection areas may be considered paired with each other or with another formally named meteorite if there is overwhelming evidence, including geographic data that are consistent with the meteorites being part of a single fall."

When you buy a bag of "NWA 1110" from a dealer in Morocco, you have no idea where they're from or if they were actually picked up in the same place.  Every single fragment needs to get its own NWA number and needs to be analyzed.  Type specimen, etc.  Unless the fragments physically fit together and/or you have an in-situ photo showing them sitting together on the ground, you're breaking Nomenclature Committee guidelines.

You can't just "pair" a pile of stones by looking at them, or by having someone else look at them.  You can have them all analyzed and show that they're internally *identical.*  Doesn't matter.  They all need their own NWA numbers and type specimens.

And don't just think this applies only to planetaries.  You bought a 20 kilogram sack of "NWA 869?"  Every single stone needs to be cut and analyzed if you're going to sell it as NWA 869.  Except...you can't even do that.  Even if they are all analyzed and all fall in the range of L3.8-6, like NWA 869, each fragment will still need its own NWA number because you still don't have any proof of where they were found.

Those are the rules, and you've broken just as many of them as anyone else.  These are guidelines written for scientists, by scientists.  This is how stones are recovered and dealt with in places like Antarctica. Every detail of a stone's recovery is meticulously recorded, and every (sub-gram!) fragment is analyzed.  The only people I know who have followed such guidelines are the hunters in DCAs like Skip Wilson, who actually record every single stone they find.

You -- and every other collector and dealer -- have played by different rules.  Even the IMCA has bought into a different set of rules that protect dealer interests: they say that you can't use "another meteorite dealer's NWA number," but once you get a stone analyzed, you're allowed to "self-pair" anything you want to that analysis, essentially without scrutiny.  This has led to a fair amount of misrepresented material in circulation, from "NWA 869," to the mix-and-match Martian and Lunar pairings of recent years.

Nomenclature Committee guidelines haven't been followed since NWA meteorites were in the single digits, by you or anyone else.  As John Shea said before, pairing material at one's discretion is only as reliable as the dealer doing it.


On Sat, Nov 4, 2017 at 10:30 AM, Adam Hupe via Meteorite-list <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com <mailto:meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>> wrote:

Thank you for the last word and the concern for my reputation. These piggy-backing and self-pairing debates have gone on long
    before you became in interested in meteorites.

    My advice, since you are a member, is to read the IMCA bylaws which
    are all about authenticity and adhering to Meteoritical Society
    rules which do not support piggy-backing and self-pairing.


    On 11/4/2017 10:20 AM, Martin Goff wrote:


        I am more than comfortable with my reputation and what I have
        contributed to the world of meteorites. I don't need to blow
        smoke up
        my arse or have the need to constantly have others prop up my
        ego. As for your opinion of me, well it's quite obvious I could not
        care a jot what your opinion is, it is meaningless to me as it is to
        most! (a fact that is backed up by all of the messages I've had in
        private :-)) And as for calling you out,  whether on this list or on
        Facebook, how you can state that that is 'behind your back' just
        your levels of paranoid delusion! This list and facebook are both
        public forums and I am more than happy to speak my mind on either!

        And as for the rest of your garbled message, if it was actually
        coherent, readable and understandable then I might be able to

        But, as Johannes says folk are here to talk about meteorites so I
        won't bore them by responding further. However I'm more than
        sure that
        you'll want to have the final word and cement your reputation as
        someone who is losing the plot by clambering onto your rickety
        and ranting further whilst dribbling into your bib..................



        Martin Goff
        www.msg-meteorites.co.uk <http://www.msg-meteorites.co.uk>
        International Meteorite Collectors Association (IMCA) member #3387

        On 4 Nov 2017 16:50, "Adam Hupe via Meteorite-list"
        <mailto:meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>> wrote:

            A none answer is still an answer.  I will take it that you
            have made no contributions in the short time you have been
            into meteorites.

            Here are a few quotes from you about me on Facebook from
            Martin Goff; "He is pompous prick! Just dissing everyone
            else to try and keep the crown on NWA 5000" and, "He keeps
            on saying he is leaving meteorites and most folk wish he'd
            just do as he says....."  I wont post the latest comments on
            Facebook since they are mainly posted by dealers and
            demonstrate high level of immaturity.  Talking behind
            somebodies back is a sign cowardice, a trait wherein fear
            and excessive self concern override good judgement.

            You and others have an interest in Black Beauty may be one
            reasons you are speaking out.  Collectors deserve to know
            that are thousands of grams of this material being held back
            and not reported.

            Curious minds want to know what contributions you have made
            giving you the right questions others true colors?

            There are dust makers and dust eaters.


            On 11/4/2017 9:24 AM, Martin Goff wrote:

                Adam, if  you weren't blinded by pomposity and your own
                bloated sense
                of self worth then you'd know exactly what my
                contributions were/are
                to the meteorite community. Your inflated sense of self
                importance and
                continued self stimulation of blowing your own trumpet
                means that as
                Jason says, people will call you out. If it wasn't for
                your continued
                bullshit spout out to this list folk would just ignore
                you, as they
                have for years..........




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