Hello Peter and others,

This trajectory & speed is very interesting, as this puts the Park Forest
radiant not too far
off (within ~ 20 degrees - but much LESS when radiant drift to a position
for April 7 is taken into account!) from that of Pribram-Neuschwanstein -
the speed is correct too! I bet you the orbit from these parameters will
compare well to Pribram-Neuschwanstein with a D' test!!!! So: another member
of the stream? Would add an L6 to the H5 and E6 (and Glanerbrug LL5). This
is fun! Seems that if we wait long enough, this stream will provide a full
meteorite type collection...

Best wishes,

Marco Langbroek - Dutch Meteor Society

------ original message -----
From: Ron Baalke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Meteorite Mailing List)
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 11:17:50 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [meteorite-list] DOD Satellites Detect March 2003 Bolide Over Park

Fireball Detection
Department of Defense Announcement
(courtesy of Peter Brown)
July 7, 2003

IR sensors aboard US DOD satellites detected the impact of a bolide over
Park Forest, Illinois, on 27 March 2003 at 05:50:26 UTC. The object
traveled from the SW to the NE on a heading of 22.3 degrees, with a
flight path angle of 62.3 degrees from the local horizontal.
The straight line intersection of the flight path with the ground was at
41.56 North latitude, 87.67 West longitude.  It was possible to derive a
velocity for the object of 20 +/- 1 km/sec.  The impact was simultaneously
detected by space based visible wavelength sensors operated by the US
Department of Energy.  From these sensors the total radiated energy was
estimated at 1.4 X 10^11 joules.

Marco Langbroek


"What seest thou else
 In the dark backward and abysm of time?"

                            William Shakespeare
                            The Tempest act I scene 2

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