I can not help in the search but will suggest one thing. In your letter I would suggest some sort of language that releases them from all liability if someone falls in a hole. Most places of this type want responsibility from you for damage and to be released from any liability from injury or loss of any type.
Mark M.
Phoenix AZ
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 6:17 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Chicago Country Club Letters

Dear List,
I am drafting letters to the Calumet, Ravisloe, Cherry Hills, Flossmoor, Idlewild and Olympia Fields Country Clubs seeking official permission to conduct scientific, non-destructive searches of thier grounds after the first snow of the season. I will emphasize our interest in leaving everything as carefully restored as possible, with no searching or digs in important areas such as fringes, greens and teeboxes. I will also intimate some monetary benefit to the Club depending on what is found on thier property.
Does anyone wish to be included as participants for purposes of this search?

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