Greetings Meteorite_List Friends,

Here is a meteorite-related, short term project you might enjoy from the comfort of your home that will have real impact!

From now until July 10th you can help the OSIRIS-REx mission map rocks, boulders, and craters on asteroid Bennu via CosmoQuest's Bennu Mappers project! Your help is greatly appreciated and it gives you a chance to explore amazing images... "meteoroids in situ on their parent body"! Personally I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing the variety of rocks on Bennu; absolutely breathtaking and intriguing with better images to come! The data acquired by Bennu Mappers and the science team will inform decisions on the best possible sites for the Touch-and-Go-Sample-Acquisition-Mechanism (TAGSAM) collection. See here for more details:

Best regards,
Dolores Hill

Dolores H. Hill
Sr. Research Specialist
Lunar & Planetary Laboratory
Kuiper Space Sciences Bldg. #92
The University of Arizona
1629 E. University Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85721

OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission Communication & Public Engagement Team
Lead OSIRIS-REx Ambassadors program
Co-lead OSIRIS-REx Target Asteroids! citizen science program
Co-coordinator Target NEOs! observing program of the Astronomical League
Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers - Meteorite Section


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