As it turns out, it is very easy to see if an OC is type 3.05-3.15. The 
exsolution of chromite from olivine in type II porphyritic chondrules can be 
seen in an optical microscope, with the aperture stopped down. It looks like 
this: See 
the little wormy lines? Subdividing these into 3.05, 3.10, and 3.15 does take 
some work, but you’d be safe classifying them as type 3.1 if this effect is 


If a meteorite has black opaque matrix, razor sharp chondrules, and you CAN’T 
see exsolution in any olivines, the meteorite bears closer inspection to see if 
it is extra special.




From: Meteorite-list <> On Behalf Of 
Graham Ensor via Meteorite-list
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 2:38 AM
To: Kevin Kichinka <>
Cc: meteorite list <>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Fractional Classification of LL3's


Hi Kevin,


As far as I can make out, talking with other researchers, then it can/will be 
done but takes extra time and work and thus many just get given the 3 
designation rather than do all that work to divide it up even more...although 
if one is suspected as a 3.00 then I imagine it is worth it or if the presenter 
of the specimen pays for the time and effort to do the work.




On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 12:57 AM Kevin Kichinka via Meteorite-list 
<> > wrote:

Team Meteorite:


A couple of years ago it seemed that researchers were no longer going to 
sub-divide LL3 mets to classifications like 'LL3.05' or 'LL3.10', or I suppose 
the most primitive one of LL3.0'.


Can someone clarify this issue for me?


And regards to Zsolt Kereszty while referencing his acquisition of NWA12692 


"Here is the MetBull page of the NWA12692 LL3.00 meteorite:"  


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