Hi all.  I just wanted to let you know about a zoom live sale that I am
having this Saturday at 10am arizona time.  Produced with the help of
Topher Spin meteorites, this sale will include 185 items and looks to have
a total sales value of well over $500,000. There will be three raffles
the sale, valued at roughly $8000 total, which you enter automatically by
purchasing any item. 10% of all revenue from the sale will come to
Topherspin Meteorites. Purchasers will also automatically be invited to my
party during the Tucson, 2025 show where we finally crack open our double
magnum of Martian infused champaign. The sale will be divided into three
segments, roughly as follows. Mixed valued items, 10am -12pm. Lower value
items. 12.00pm – 2pm. High value items. 2pm – 4pm. Zoom Meeting ID:#826
7552 7747 Password: Topherspin The raffle items are a 68.6 gram full slice
of hassi el biod 002, a set of small pieces of all 5 known martian types,
and a large individual of Libyan desert glass. This should be an awesome
show and I hope to see you all there. Please tell your friends!
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