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Mr. Farmer;
I'm not sure if you are the right person to contact but I am quite ignorant to this subject. About two weeks ago a large meteor entered the sky over the Grays Harbor County area in Washington State. I witnessed the fireball shoot across the sky while at a residence on a call. About an hour after I cleared the call I was notified by a County Deputy that three young men had flagged him down on the road stating that they had witnessed a small shower of debris fall from the sky shortly after the meteor had passed over head. The meteor continued north.
The fragments landed on the football field of the Elma High School. The Deputy and myself checked the area with the boys and found a sandy area near the field covered in small crater like holes. Near or in each hole was a small black glassy like material that was hot to touch. Some pieces had struck a set of aluminum bleachers and made small dents. Other pieces hit the asphalt walkway and melted. The whole area of impact was about 100' x100' wide.
I was able to collect some samples of the debris. I attempted to keep the site protected by not telling anyone so that people like yourself would have a shot at it before a wave of morons destroyed the area. After I hade gone home to get some sleep I was notified by a fellow Officer that some idiot had alerted the press. By the next day every yahoo in the county had trampled the scene. Two men (don't remember their names) arrived to investigate the scene. They claimed that the material they were shown was not meteor material and that they doubted that any thing even fell there. I wished that I had been there to ask where in the heck they got that idea. The pieces that I have at home look just like the fragments that you have on the front page of your site. After looking at some of the pictures it is possible that the material found could be only the burnt shell that forms around the meteor itself.
If you have any questions or would like to view the samples please let me know. My E-Mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Thank You,
Travis E. Bealert

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